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Info-Storm.com Business Directory: C (page 4)
Cardboard Foundations and Cutouts
Cardboard Panels and Cutouts
Cardboard Pasted Laminated Lined and Surface Coated
Carded Fiber Asbestos
Carded Yarn Cotton
Carding Machines Textile
Cardiophone Electric
Cards Beveling Bronzing Deckling Edging and Gilding
Cards Cut and Designed Unprinted
Cards Except Greeting Cards Engraving of
Cards Except Greeting Gravure Printing
Cards Greeting Except Hand Painted
Cards Index Die Cut
Cards Jacquard
Cards Jewelers
Cards Lithographed
Cards Plain Paper Die Cut or Rotary Cut from Purchased Materials
Cards Playing Except Lithographed or Gravure
Cards Playing Gravure Printing
Cards Printed Except Greeting Lithographed or Gravure
Cards Tabulating and Time Recording Die Cut from Purchased Paperboard
Cargo Checkers and Surveyors Marine
Cargo Nets Cordage
Cargo Salvaging from Distressed Vessels
Cargo Vessels Building and Repairing
Carillon Bells
Carnival Amusement Rides
Carnival and Amusement Park Equipment Wholesale
Carnival Operation
Carnotite Mining
Carousels Merry Go Rounds
Carpenters Handtools Except Saws
Carpentry Work Contractors
Carpet and Furniture Cleaning On Location
Carpet Cleaning and Repairing Plants
Carpet Cleaning On Customers Premises
Carpet Laying or Removal Service Contractors
Carpet Linings Felt Except Woven
Carpet Linings Textile Except Felt
Carpet Stores Retail
Carpet Sweepers Except Household Electric Vacuum Sweepers
Carpet Yarn Cotton
Carpet Yarn Wool Mohair or Similar Animal Fibers
Carpets Asphalted Felt Base Linoleum
Carpets Cork
Carpets Textile Fiber
Carpets Twisted Paper Grass Reed Coir Sisal Jute and Rag
Carpets Wholesale
Carports Prefabricated Metal
Carriages Baby
Carriages Doll
Carriages Gun For Artillery More Than 30 Mm. or More Than 1.18 Inch
Carriages Horse Drawn For Hire
Carrier Cases and Tables Mail Except Wood
Carrier Equipment Radio Communications
Carrier Equipment Telephone and Telegraph
Carrier Trays Wood
Carriers Crane
Carry Out Restaurants
Cars and Car Equipment Freight or Passenger
Cars Armored
Cars Electric For Highway Use
Cars Electric Off Highway
Cars For Hot Metal
Cars Industrial Except Automotive Cars and Trucks and Mining Cars
Cars Mining
Cars New and Used Retail
Cars Play Childrens Vehicles
Cars Used Only Retail
Carting by Truck or Horse Drawn Wagon
Carton Packing Machines
Cartons Folding Except Milk Cartons Paperboard
Cartoon Motion Picture Production
Cartridge Activated Hand Power Tools
Cartridge Belts Sporting Type
Cartridge Cases For Ammunition 30 Mm. or 1.18 Inch or Less
Cartridge Cups Discs and Sheets Copper and Copper Alloy
Cartridges 30 Mm. or 1.18 Inch or Less
Cartridges Refill For Ballpoint Pens
Carts Caddy
Carts Doll
Carts For Lawn and Garden Use
Carts Golf Hand
Carts Grocery Made from Purchased Wire
Carts Machine Gun and Machine Gun Ammunition
Carts Restaurant
Carved and Turned Wood Except Furniture
Carving Machine Woodworking
Carving Sets Except All Metal
Carving Sets With Metal Handles and Blades
Carvings Furniture Wood
Carwash Equipment and Supplies Wholesale
Carwashing Machinery Including Coin Operated
Case Leather
Casein Dry and Wet
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